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Survive the Class You Hate

Just accept it; you’re not going to love every class you take every semester. Whether the course is challenging or a boring subject, or you just haven’t meshed with your instructor, there are ways to stay positive and engaged. A recent study by USA Today reports that calculus, biology, and chemistry were the top three hated classes by college students last year. Here are a few tips on how to survive the drudgery and even get a solid grade.

Explore Different Learning Styles

Everyone has his or her own unique approach to learning new things. If your teacher’s style doesn’t compliment your own, look for other ways to get information. The web is an endless source of learning opportunities. If you like videos or the opportunity to take a practice quiz, the internet is a great tool to reinforce your curriculum. Just make sure your sources are credible. Mike on YouTube may be a rocket scientist, but he may not be. By taking your education into your own hands, you’re more apt to survive those classes you hate.

Reevaluate Your Attitude

This semester, you may have that dreaded class where everything is wrong from the professor to the subject to the schedule. Keep an eye on perspective. Every course offers an opportunity to learn something new, and if you open your mind and change your attitude, you might be surprised by how much you end up enjoying it. Keep in mind that every class brings you one step closer to your ultimate goal: a degree and your dream job.

Relate the Topic to Everyday Life

Difficult-to-understand classes may be easier to swallow if you relate them to your daily life. If you’re a biology major and your tough subject is geometry, look for shapes and angles anywhere and study their relationships to one another. Consider taking pictures and make observations. The good news is that we use math and many other subjects without even noticing. Choosing to be aware and using what you learned in class will strengthen your understanding of the material, and it might not seem so hateful after all.

Get a Study Group Together

Power in numbers is more than just a phrase. If you’re having difficulty grasping a lesson, reach out to your peers for help. Form a study group or ask for some tutoring assistance. A new and completely different viewpoint of confusing topics can help clarify information you don’t understand. If nothing else, the companionship will make studying more enjoyable.

It’s Only Temporary

Don’t lose sight of the fact that this is just one class of many you’ll take during your college career. Once it’s over, it’s over, and you just need to focus on doing your best. If you need to, ask your instructor for extra credit so you can pass the class and leave it behind you forever.

Studying for classes you hate probably feels intimidating. Just remember that there are ways to survive these subjects and even make them more enjoyable. Don’t hesitate to add your own creative flair to your study approach; your grades are sure to reflect your input.